Cybersecurity is a matter of great concern globally and with the evolution of technology, new offensive tools and techniques exacerbate the problem.
The call for paper will provide a platform for exchanging ideas and also give technology-savvy students and young researchers an opportunity to express their views and suggest innovative measures to tackle the challenges involved.
Sub Themes:- (choose any one)
- Need & role of cyber world
- Free Speech & Expression
- Privacy Issues & Access Rights
- Cyber Forensics
- Cyberterrorism
- Crimes on Social Networking Sites
- E-Governance and Digital India
- Net – Neutrality
- Cyber Security
- Data Protection and privacy concern in cyberspace
- Cybercrimes against women
- Investigation of cybercrimes
- Cyber World (Anything related to cyber)
The paper accompanied with a covering letter containing: Title of the Paper, Full Name of the Author/Authors (Limited to 2 Authors), and complete address with a contact number and E-mail Address must be submitted as an attachment and mailed to
The last date for the submission is 30th October 2018. Notification of the accepted papers will be done on/ before 29th October 2018.
Registration Fees:-
- Academicians and Practitioners; INR 1500/-
- Students: INR 900/-
- Research Scholars: INR 1200/-
- Foreign Nationals: INR 1800/-
Important Dates:-
- Last Date of Submission: 30-10-2018
- Last Date of Completing pre-publication procedures: 29-10-2018
Important Guidelines:
- The submission must not be previously published or currently under review at any other journal/conference/book etc. and should not be submitted to any other journal/conference while in process of review with us.
- The submission must be the original work of the authors i.e. shouldn’t be plagiarized and also should be free from grammatical, spelling and other errors. It must also not contain any defamatory words.
- Copyright over the published material shall vest with CYBERLEKH PUBLICATION’S
- For Hard Copy of Book INR 300 per copy will be charged extra by the author.
Email: , Call Us: +91-9406841953